from 25 april 2004
blue vol III, #4
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just who are you voting for?
A UK Anarchist Technophile Perspective

by Khaptain Khaos

its nothing to do with having your say , it doesn't matter what the party says its called , its all about voting for "them".

We know that the Tories are left of the Labour and we know that the Labour are up the arse of the Fascists.

If we needed anymore proof we got it straight from über monkeyboy's mouth not that long ago...

"You're either with us or your with the terrorists", he wasn't giving us the choice though, he wasn't asking for us to make up our mind or cast our vote, he was telling us.

"If you don't like what I do then you are fucked over boy, in a plain old simple god fearing redneck style".

That's your democracy, that's your government and this is where they've gotten us so far.

Go on , go vote for 'em again, then sit and complain about the pre-meltdown apocalypse that you find yourself in.

We have the technology now to change all this. Within the next 20 years minimum the technology will be so cheap that the final excuse to global democracy will become obsolete.

That's when we find out whose side Bush et al are actually on, ours or theirs.

The government is supposed to be the voice of the people, well, here's the news, we've got a better voice of the people now, one not so open to the failings of human nature though.

You're sitting at it right now, you have in your possession the peoples government, the tool of true global democracy.

We have wind up p.c.'s already, we have wi-fi technology, how difficult is it to give every person in the country/world/global village access to this technology and to collect their thoughts?

A true global democracy, with open visible discussion and 100% accessible accounting would be almost as pure and noble as anarchy itself.

Next time they ask for your tick, ask what you get in return before you give it.

–  Khaptain Khaos

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