from 14 september 2003 blue vol II, #96 |
Party on, Babylon ![]() by Jan Lundberg
Modern living's drudgery and despair increase with crowding, but the young and young-at-heart try to have a good time. Sometimes it's just to unwind by getting drunk and seek sexual release. It also includes artistic projects and the satisfaction of growing a beautiful garden. The advantaged of society have a better time more easily, depending on their value system. Babylon, one of the key cities of Mesopotamia and of the eastern hemisphere, was laid to waste along with all of Sumeria due primarily to salinization. Irrigation in the dry warmth of that time resulted in evaporation that left salts in the soil, rendering it unable to grow wheat. Soon it could not even grow barley. In a brilliant column dealing with President Bush's anti-environmental agenda, Paul Krugman of the New York Times gave us this history refresher: "Modern civilization's impact on the environment is, of course, far greater than anything the ancients could manage. We can do more damage in a decade than our ancestors could inflict in centuries. Salinization remains a big problem in today's world, but it is overshadowed by even more serious environmental threats." - Salt of the Earth, August 8, 2003 column Iraq, Jack Global warming and ozone layer depletion are wreaking damage that has barely begun to show up. Yet, as Bush & Co. ranted about nukes and other alleged threats in Iraq, they are just fine with maximizing global warming and adding more ozone-layer-depleting methyl bromide. People take this lying down so meekly, when we consider that Iraqis put up with Saddam Hussein because he was extremely dangerous. What the Iraqis and the rest of the world now see is that Iraq became a lot worse off due to the unprovoked, rushed and cooked campaign of invasion and occupation. There is no sea-change in DC on the horizon, so we may see more Arabs and others striking out at U.S. citizens simply because US. citizens allow their leaders to keep up that occupation of Iraq, and of Palestine as well. The damage and pain have been terroristic all around. The cradle of dominant civilization has been blown to smithereens. Not many people seem to have really dwelled on this. One of the grandest ancient zigurats in Sumer was recently defaced by U.S. troops who have a huge base next to it. No end of destruction has resulted from the two wars on Iraq and from the effect of Saddam Hussein. The museums have been looted, with much ancient information lost, but this has become an old story to the general public. A suppressed story is the depleted uranium spread around Iraq, causing massive birth defects there and amongst returned U.S. troops (Gulf War Syndrome). Having a good time. Awareness. Cultural diversity. Letting the present leaders persist in all their policies is to maintain a failing order - until what, complete catastrophe? A new "civilization" is called for and in the making, and at that point, having a party will be worth calling it a party! Joy and Peace. Babylon is often referred to by Rastafarians generally as modern society, typified by the U.S. or unjust, regimented society. The reggae-music loving public, embracing the Rastas' music and often the ganja, was moved by their Bob Marley who sang of oppression, liberation, police brutality, and love. As a result, Babylon is so well circulated as a concept that I overheard a father telling his young son in a public toilet to not touch the room's fixtures and surfaces because "Babylon is filthy." Back to having fun in Babylon: Party on, Fossil Fools! Or, Save the World, boys and girls! That would mean, like, not taking a joy ride or driving a short distance needlessly, in a carmageddon machine. A recent song I wrote: Party on, fossil fools Party on, fossil fools It ain't cool but I think I love em' too I'm another fossil dude Global Warmin' comin' on Babble on Babylon We're so hot we can shop and shop and shop Missiles ships and tanks and bombs I've got my stash: car, house and cash I've won the game My neighbors are the same What's their name by the way Police control on the streets Cops are keepin' steady beat In our trees they will show you what they mean Let's assume that they are sweet (guitar solo a la Steve Miller) Pickin' berries by the stream Many years ago we dreamed What a place out here was like When the car gave way to bikes Population had to peakThis Ecotopian column I've put out for the last fifteen months, first monthly, now weekly, has become another one of my ways of having fun in Babylon. I hope it does something for you, too, as we cope with the challenges of living in the modern, unsustainable Babylon. Let me close by recommending a good read: A Green History of the World, by Clive Ponting. He recounts the pattern of civilizations' deforestation and desertification. Paul Krugman would love it if he hasn't read it. Peace! PS: I'm glad to report that the federal pepper-spray trial will not be held in Humboldt County, and there will be a new judge (in San Francisco). To read about this case and assist these activists who fought for the redwoods and paid a high price, see our update on Culture Change. ![]() Culture Change and SEI: P.O. Box 4347 Arcata California 95518 USA E-mail: Website: Published by Sustainable Energy Institute, a nonprofit charity 501(c)(3) California corporation. Useful link:
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